What's happening at Calvary!
Get in The Loop! Explore our full calendar of upcoming services and events using our calendar below!
September 29th: We are prepping and preparing for our 3rd annual Ministry Harvest! This is an event that helps raise funds for our Men & Women Ministries. Stick around after 2nd service, head over to the gym, & grab you a Meal Box!! Let's sit down, break bread together, and fellowship with one another. Let's not forget about the Bake Sale that will set up in gym as well! You know you're ready to dive into some delicious cake or maybe pickup some cookies to snack on. Either way, we will have plenty of options for you to choose from!!
October 6th: Our annual Harvest Festival & Trunk-or-Treat is just around the corner! Get those costumes ready and trunk decorations cut out and painted because we all know how much Calvary kids love this time of year!
October 20th: Calvary, we truly have a lot to be thankful for and the Pastoral Staff here at Calvary is definitely one of those things!! They are a difference-maker & life changer in our church and community. We need to remember to thank them for their spiritual guidance and leadership; tell them how deeply grateful we are for their hard work and sacrifices they make. Thank you for being wonderful pastors! There will be baskets in the lobby if you'd like to show your appreciation with a card, gift, note, etc.
If you have extra paper sacks from Braums and/or Crest please drop them off at Jessica's office to be donated to a local food pantry.
- SAM: Senior Adult Ministry
September 14th: Mingle & Meet at 9am in the Fellowship Hall! Please join us for breakfast snacks as we start back up!
- NO REGRETS: Men Ministry
September 21st: Burgers & Bows! See Skip Heflin for more information.
October 25th-26th: Event with guest speaker Steve Sonderman.
- CWFC: Women's Ministry
October 17th: Decades Party in the Fellowship Hall!
- ROOTED: College and Career Ministry
October 19th: Murder Mystery!!
Now - September 28th: Church Merch Fundraiser! Check out the awesome items in the west lobby!
October 11th: Worship in the Woods!!
AWANA has started but it's not too late to get your child signed up! AWANA is an amazing ministry where kids will play games, hear Gods word, memorize scripture, and have so much fun!! The cost per kiddo is $50; you can pay via cash, check or Calvary Venmo(@Calvary-FWBChurch).