The Loop

The latest happenings for you & your family at Calvary Church

What's happening at Calvary!

Get in The Loop! Explore our full calendar of upcoming services and events using our calendar below!

Christmas in July

July 1st-31st: During the entire month of July we're running a campaign to help the CARE CENTER at CrossPointe Church.

Let's show our support to help provide Christmas Baskets for at least 250 families. The cost to make each basket is only $50. Help us join together to make a difference in our community!

If you have extra paper sacks from : or Crest please drop them off at Jessica's office to be donated to a local food pantry.



August 23rd-24th: Men's Retreat! See Skip Heflin for more information.

  • CWFC: Women

July 26th: Ladies, we hope you will join us in the Fellowship Hall from 6pm-9pm for a Christmas in July celebration! There will be games, a fun gift exchange, snacks, & music. Please bring a food dish to share and feel free to wear Christmas attire if you want. If you have any questions please see Jennifer Young!

  • ROOTED: College and Career

July 27th: Scavenger Hunt!


August 2nd: B.A.R.F. aka Bring.A.Real.Friend. night!! Whoever brings the most friends gets a gift card. This is also the send off of all our seniors and the welcoming of upcoming teens.

Parents/Guardians: if you would like to stay more connected with Youth Group information and you're not already apart of it, please go to the Calvary Student Ministry Facebook page and ask to join. We also have a Youth Group Parent/Guardian Group Me that you can be added to. See Tiffany Kirby to be added. These 2 platforms are where we give out 99% of all the information because we all know the teens will forget to tell their parents :)